⠲ 以濕地為溫床.泊人於感官叢生 ⠲
多重感官錯綜蔓延,沉浸於視、聽、觸、嗅感之四感交集。叢,是共同生長聚集的狀態;相互交錯連結之結構,如神經叢 (Plexus)。被多重感官媒介吸引的個體,隨著電子音樂節拍的引導,進而釋放、探索,彼此誕生新的感官能量,共同匯聚為感官叢的集體意識。
十月【泊人ANKR】在濕地,帶來年度企劃-自然與感官跨界-系列活動,平日周間有泊人主題展覽,周末則與夥伴廠牌【Over My Body 跨我身體】、【Frontline 前線】、【Tropical Heat】、【Evaporate 蒸發】帶來能量叢簇的電子音樂演出。另邀請在各自領域擁有豐富能量的創作者,以植物、新媒體、金工為題打造工作坊體驗,每周末還有免費入場的主題市集,邀請大家與我們一同參與感官叢生的獨特經歷。
⋆ 植物裝置藝術:異 SINGULARITY
⋆ 調酒與吧檯合作:Co.01 Studio
⋆ VJ/燈光設計:柚子/王駝
10/7 起在濕地 5F,每周一到周五為【泊人ANKR】充滿植物與自然感染力的沉浸式影音展覽,各週末請依序服用療癒身心之四感叢生活動~~(๑•̀ •́)و✧ 還有泊人首次啤酒暢飲方案,以及風味開發團隊的限定調酒款。
周末電子音樂派對:時間不一,請見 Facebook 活動頁 各場活動時間
周日:市集入場打卡前 20 名可兌換啤酒一瓶,消費滿 1,000 元即贈泊人香氛「山境之晨」一件(價值 300 元,每周數量有限)
⋆ 共感周 *̣̩⋆☽⋆(已結束)
10/8【泊人ANKR - Lemonfacer】專輯發表演出│電子音樂派對 15:00~21:00
Line-up: JiaLing, Katrina, Baloney Billionaire, Lemonfacer(購票限量贈送專輯兌換碼)
10/8~10/9 多感市集(免費入場,部分單位為單日設攤)
攤商主題【植物】:The Tribus Studio、煙花蕨醒 Hanabi Plant、Mo_&_A、CLARA、種下、植屬 Plant.genus、此蒔、游民咖啡、片山西點 Mountain Piece
⋆ 視感周 *̣̩⋆☽⋆(已結束)
10/15【Over My Body 跨我身體】專場演出│電子音樂派對 電子音樂派對 15:00~21:00
Line-up: B E N N, 9n, Sandy's Trace, Wolf Pacc, Baloneybillionaire, Ao Wu
10/16【黃千薇 - 視域共聲】視覺創作工作坊│14:30~16:30
10/16【No Limits Fun (NLF)】蛋糕夜燈工作坊│17:00~18:30
10/15~10/16 多感市集(免費入場)
攤商主題【酷異】:吃甜到星球、閃亮製造 grillz maker、CROSE、Sleepy lake、Hot Stuff、S.A.C.、Fe3c、BaBy檳榔攤、海肯商行 HK07 Merchazine、BunnyKiller & 尼基刺青、ホワ ザイ 株式會社
⋆ 觸感周 *̣̩⋆☽⋆(已結束)
10/22【Frontline 前線】專場演出│電子音樂派對 15:00~21:00
Line-up: dINO, @llenblow a.k.a 愛吹倫, SLIK (Dive), B.D.K. (DeMarcoLab)
10/23【JUelry - 氣味鍛造】金工工作坊│11:30~13:30、14:30~16:30、18:30~20:30
10/22~10/23 多感市集(免費入場)
攤商主題【質地】:JUelry、Min Hong Lee、Nc_1981_調香師Nicole Chen、Dye業|dyeyé studio、宝貝牌 Bebi Seizo、璐室 Lucid Dream、模様 moyo、LE MOON、Coil Around 繞繞、魂爽按摩療癒所
⋆ 聽感周 *̣̩⋆☽(本周末活動)
10/29【Tropical Heat】專場演出│電子音樂派對 15:00~21:00
Line-up: Ryan Chiu, Pink Sock, Armiant
10/30【Evaporate 蒸發】專場演出│電子音樂派對 14:00~21:00
Line-up: An Chen B2B Koncorde, Quadcore, Hsinn, Klosing B2B Koliseum
10/29~10/30 黑膠換賣市集:歡迎帶著自己的黑膠收藏前來交換(免費入場)
攤商主題【膠友】:結緣商店、Rotten Blues 爛調唱片、愛買史東、Dr.Vintage 衣生古著、耳道運行式Phantasmagoria
**每周市集、專場演出、工作坊詳細內容請見 Facebook 活動頁
⋆ 預售單場票:NT$300,持票可任選各周任一場派對活動入場;現場售價 NT$400
⋆ 共感周:10/9【煙花蕨醒】生態瓶工作坊(已結束)
⋆ 視感周:10/16 【黃千薇 - 視域共聲】視覺創作工作坊(已結束)
⋆ 視感周:10/16【No Limits Fun (NLF)】蛋糕夜燈工作坊(已結束)
⋆ 觸感周:10/23【JUelry 氣味鍛造】金工工作坊(已結束)
**工作坊報名成功之注意事項,請留意訂購完成後的 Email 通知
優惠 1│憑預購或現場購票證明,同時購買香氛與T-shirt 各一件可折扣 100 元(等同九折)
優惠 2│T-shirt 兩件可折扣 100 元(兩優惠可同時適用)
⋆ ANKR 暢飲野營杯
單購:NT$150,雷刻 Logo 鋼杯,可在現場吧檯使用,一齊減少廢棄物
暢飲方案:NT$800(含野營杯),當天 Asahi 暢飲
⋆ 泊人山境 T-shirt
礦石黑/地苔綠,NT$500,XL/L/M 三種尺寸,United Athle 100% 純棉中厚磅 5.6oz
⋆ 《Sensory Plexus 感官叢生》活動限定 T-shirt
灰綠,NT$600,XL/L/M 三種尺寸;United Athle 100% 純棉中厚磅 5.6oz
⋆ 泊人品牌香氛《山境之晨 Sunlit Mist》
NT$350,2 罐裝(圖中小瓶罐,單罐 2ml);香氣調性-潮濕、泥土、朽木、苔蘚、樹根、冷杉、陽光、未知迷幻新植物、木質、漿果(原料組成:苦艾 / 佛手柑 / 荳蔻 / 歐洲赤松 / ⻄伯利亞冷杉 / 保加利亞薰衣草 / 快樂鼠尾草 / 紫羅蘭葉 / 摩洛哥雪松 / 廣藿香 / 橡樹苔 / 維吉尼亞雪松 / 松脂)
⠲ ANKR's sensory exploration within Venue's fertile soil ⠲
Multiple senses intertwined, conjoining the four senses of sight, hearing, touch, and smell.
Together forming a state of cohabitation and growth, creating an interwoven “Plexus” like structure.
Minds drawn to the multisensory medium, guided by the grooves of electronic music; we release, explore, and create new energy from each other, and together we converge into the collective consciousness of the “Sensory” cluster.
▴▴Annual Plan - Series Of Events▴▴
In October, ANKR brings a series of nature and sensory themed events at Venue. On weekdays ANKR themed exhibitions are on display, and on weekends we will collaborate with partner labels Over My Body, Frontline, Tropical Heat, and Evaporate to bring electronic music performances with forward thinking energies. In addition, creators with strong passion in their respective fields are invited to create workshop experiences on the topics such as plants, new media, and metalworking. Lastly, there will be free admission to a themed marketplace every weekend, inviting everyone to join us in the unique experience of Sensory Plexus.
▴▴Multisensory Intersection – Weekly Activities▴▴
Starting from 10/7 at│venue 5F│ANKR's Immersive audio-visual exhibition will be on display from Monday to Friday. Please immerse yourself in the four senses activities to heal the body and mind to prepare for the weekend celebrations ~~(๑•̀ •́) و✧
Opening hours: Weekday exhibitions are 9:30~21:00, weekend markets are 13:00~21:00, weekend electronic music performances may vary, please refer to the event page for the official time.
⋆ Empathy Week *̣̩⋆☽⋆ (has ended)
10/8【ANKR - Lemonfacer】Album Debut Performance - Electronic music party
10/9【Hanabi Plant】Ecology Bottle Workshop
10/8~10/9 Multisensory Marketplace (Free Admission)
⋆ Vision Week *̣̩⋆☽⋆ (has ended)
10/15【Over My Body】Special Performance - Electronic music party
10/16【HUANG CHIEN WEI - Vision Resonance】Visual Creation Workshop
10/15~10/16 Multisensory Marketplace (Free Admission)
⋆ Tactile Week *̣̩⋆☽⋆ (has ended)
10/22【Frontline】Special Performance - Electronic music party
10/23【JUelry】Metalwork Workshop
10/22~10/23 Multisensory Marketplace (Free Admission)
⋆ Hearing Week *̣̩⋆☽ (this weekend)
10/29【Tropical Heat】Special Performance - Electronic music party
10/30【Evaporate】Special Performance - Electronic music party
10/29~10/30 Vinyl Sales/Exchange Market: all guests are welcome bring their vinyl collection to trade/sell! (Free Admission)
Weekly marketplace vendors, special performances, and workshops will be announced accordingly, stay tuned to the event page .ᐟ.ᐟ
▴▴Fares and Ticketing▴▴
Electronic music party tickets are on KKTIX for sale, please see link below.
⋆ Presale Ticket: NT$300, can be used for any one event within the calendar. (NT$400 at the door)
⋆ Presale ANKR All-you-can-drink camping mug: NT$800, same day use only for dedicated type of beer, does not include event entrance. (NT$1,000 at the door)
Admission to each workshop │ Refer to KKTIX for presale tickets.
(To ensure the quality of the workshop, seats are limited)
⋆ Empathy Week: 10/9【Hanabi Plant】Ecology Bottle Workshop (has ended)
⋆ Vision Week: 10/16【HUANG CHIEN WEI - Vision Resonance】Visual Creation Workshop (has ended)
⋆ Vision Week: 10/16【No Limits Fun (NLF)】Dummy Cake Lighting Workshop (has ended)
⋆ Tactile Week: 10/23【JUelry】Metalwork Workshop (has ended)
**Please check your email for further notification after your workshop registration is completed. All workshops will be conducted in Mandarin.
票種 | 販售時間 | 售價 |
2022/10/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2022/10/30 15:00(+0800) 結束販售 |